> My concern is did this information some how get randomly guessed by a

While I will not disagree with others that both ebay and paypal contact
staff are low-grade morons, and if they actually have any developers they
are not allowed contact with the real world (at best; low-grade morons at
worst), I still think you picked a pretty obvious email account name.

It is likely that someone else in the world also has that email account name
at another host.  In fact, it is likely that several hundred or thousand
people do.  So it would be pretty easy to guess.

Try registering an account name you have never used and which is generated
out of one of those gowawful password generator programs - 25 characters
long, upper and lower case and numbers all mixed together.  Register that.
If you get a spam in 4 hours, find about 4 of the biggest scum lawyers you
can in NY and CA and sue the bastards.

(Anecdote: The handle "lwilton" is moderately well known on the web; I'd
been posting to uselessnet using it for years from a now-deceased domain.
One day I was walking through a mall and saw a kiosk to register for an
Earthlink account.  (This was back when Sky still owned Earthlink and it was
a small company in Pasadena.)  I registered for an account.

By the time I got home, 4 hours later, to log on the first time and complete
the signup process, I had twenty spams waiting for me.  All obviously
broadsided to gobs of alphabetical account names.)


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