From: "Mike Sassaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Mike Sassaman wrote:

> Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  This is what I've done:
> required_score 4
> rewrite_header Subject *****SPAM*****
> add_header all Report _REPORT_
> use_razor2 1
> razor_config /etc/mail/spamassassin/.razor/razor-agent.conf
> razor_timeout 600
> trusted_networks w.x.y.z
> use_bayes 1
> use_bayes_rules 1
> bayes_path /home/_vilter/.spamassassin/bayes
> bayes_auto_learn 1
> bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 6
> bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -5
> skip_rbl_checks 0
> rbl_timeout 600
> use_auto_whitelist 0
> As you can see I:
> Lowered my nonspam threshold so in theory only very low scoring mails should
> be learned as ham
> Removed the very wrong and bad ALL_TRUSTED 0 line
> Added a trusted_networks line that contains the IP address of my mail server
> / SA machine.  Based on what I've read at
> this should be all I really > need on that front. My mail server is in a non-NATed DMZ with a public IP
> address.
> Last but not least I added the line:
> add_header all Report _REPORT_
> so that I can see what rules are being hit. Unfortunately I am still not > seeing these headers added to the messages. The only headers I get are
> these:
> Does anyone have a theory about why I am not seeing the Report headers? (I > know the file is being read because when I changed the required
> score from 5 to 4, that change is reflected in the headers.)
> TIA.

I'm assuming that you've done a 'spamassassin --lint' and gotten a clean
bill-of-health to check for syntax errors in your config file.

take a small simple example "ham" message and feed that directly to SA to
see if you are getting your expected report headers. EG:

% spamassassin < /tmp/test-message.txt

If that does -not- have the report headers then you've still not gotten
your configs correct. If that -does- have the report but mail passing
thru your system does not, then it is a milter issue.

When using a sendmail+milter setup, it is up to the milter to decide
what damage to do to the message, not SA. The milter takes a copy of
the incoming message, hands it to SA via the 'spamd' protocol, looks
at the status results that it got back and then sends commands to sendmail
to modify the actual message. SA cannot directly modify the message
that is held inside of sendmail, regardless of what the SA configs say.

Try this, take that ham message and feed it to "spamc" with the '-r'
and then the '-R' option, note the output.
The milter is doing something much like a "spamc -r". There may be a
configuration option for your milter to make it do something more like a
"spamc -R".
I use the miltrassassin milter and had to deal with a similar situation.


Thanks for that useful info.  making progress!

% spamassassin --lint shows no output, so I'm thinking that means no
problems in my

% spamassassin < /tmp/test-message.txt on a lowscoring spam (-1.6 according
to smtp-vilter's headers) get scored a whopping 14.3 by spamassassin!  Tests

So I think Dave is right - the problem is with the milter, or at least the
milter / spamassassin communication.
Does anyone have any experience using the 'smtp-vilter' milter or have idea
what might be causing this issue?  In the meantime I will be searching the

Mike, one thing you generally must do when you change configuration is
restart spamassassin however and whatever has it daemonized. Did you
restart your milter or spamd as appropriate? Your problem might be that


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