It looks OK, except the file for some reason has HTML tags in it.. The
real file must not have HTML in it.
Which HTML Tags do you mean in the

header L_S_ULT_PHARM    Subject =~/\bThe Ultimate Online Pharmaceutical\b/i
score L_S_ULT_PHARM     3.0
describe L_S_ULT_PHARM  spam from the ultimate online pharmacy

header L_S_SW_LOWPR Subject =~/\bS[o0]ftw[a4]r[e3] At L[o0]wPr[i1]c[e3]s?\b/i
score L_S_SW_LOWPR     3.0
describe L_S_SW_LOWPR  offers software at low price

> Is it a problem when i make the sa-learn with the user root?
If you  use spamd and don't have a bayes_path and bayes_file_mode
statement in your config files, yes.

Spamd never scans mail as the root user. If you try to make it, it will
setuid itself to the nobody user.
This is my

rewrite_header Subject *****SPAM*****
# report_safe 1
# trusted_networks 212.17.35.
# lock_method flock

required_score 5.0
use_bayes 1
bayes_auto_learn 1

I Think spamd is running as vmail.

so must i login over ssh with vmail and learn the messages?

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