On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Jeremy Kister wrote:

> A few weeks ago i deleted my bayes_seen and bayes_toks files because
> bayes was behaving poorly.
> I have been working hard to retrain bayes, and have realized a problem:
> using sa-learn --dump magic, nham is stuck at 182.
> I can learn a use sa-learn --ham, and it'll tell me
> Learned from 19 message(s) (62 message(s) examined)
> but when I then use sa-learn --dump magic, the nham is still 182.
> I have seen spamassassin autolearn ham messages.  I have confirmed that
> nspam increments.
> Is this normal?  What do I do to fix this?

try running sa-learn with -D switch, maybe you can find some additional
information from the output.


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