Eric Carlson wrote:
> SA 3.0.2 on FC3. I added a whitelist_from entry for the local domain
> in and understood it would add -100 to the score. The problem
> is performance of mantis, our bugtracker, which sends email for each
> action. Turns out SA is still scanning each mail where I really wanted
> it to just ignore it totally. Is this possible please?
SA does not support any "bail out of scan" features at present. Even if
SA did have the feature (which is planned for a future release), you'd
still have a lot of overhead because SA would not know this rule hit
until after it had already parsed all the message headers.

The best way to do this (and the only way right now) is to avoid calling
SA in the first place. Depending on how you call SA this could be fairly
easy (ie: if you use procmail, you can use a procmail rule to only scan
some messages)

Also - warning DO NOT use whitelist_from on your localdomain. This rule
is subject to being easily forged, and many spammers intentionally forge
a From: address in your domain to try to take advantage of this. In
general use whitelist_from_rcvd for whitelisting where-ever possible.

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