I'm not waging any mini-flames.

I was asked (and I assumed it was with sincerity) what
I did and why, and I answered with sincerity.

I'm not saying what I do is the best solution, or advocate
anyone else doing the same thing.

And yes, we have laws against drinking and driving: If
I said that I was a tee-totaler that never left the house and didn't
drive, would anyone try to convince me that I should live


Gary W. Smith wrote:

From what I have read, people have given you complete and logic advice
on how to do this properly.  Yeah, the US has laws regarding SPAM.  They
also have laws on drinking and driving.  Law's are reactive.  But, if
you wish to forego the advice of list members then you should probably
really think about the next question.  Is the mini-flame war you're
tying to conduct productive to the preventing of spam, i.e. this group?

I'd check the archives... Matt's been around for a while.  He's advice
is usually on the money.

Gary Wayne Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Prindeville [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:16 PM
To: Matt Kettler
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Subject: Re: Couple of newbie questions... (repost)

Matt Kettler wrote:

Philip Prindeville wrote:

I.e. any provider or country that doesn't have an institutional
of prosecuting spam senders...

Erm, so you're going to block all of the US, correct?

No.  We have laws against spam that hopefully most legitimate ISP's
to conform to.

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