On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 01:10 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> I just stumbled over an announcement on freshmeat about getmail as a 
> substitute for fetchmail, but from looking at the web page & FAQ, its 
> not clear if getmail can both filter by passing the incoming mail thru 
> SA, and put it in the /var/spool/user mailfile format that kmail 
> expects to retrieve incoming messages from.  I'd expect it needs a 
> scratchfile someplace in order to do the pipeing thru spamc, but its 
> not at all clear from the web page.
> Its my intention of moveing the spamc function from being used as a 
> filter via a pipe from one of kmails filter settings, to a function of 
> getmail which would be asynch from kmail, and possibly making kmail 
> many times more responsive is as its UI is locked for many seconds at a 
> time while this filter is waiting for spamc to finish.  If getmail can 
> run in the background like fetchmail is now I hopefully wouldn't have 
> the lags slap me in the face.  As is kmail can hang long enough for me 
> to type a line and a half, and while thats disconcerting, the slow 
> cursor movements when attempting to go back and fix a typo are 7000% 
> exasperating.
> If this transfer of jobs can be done, then kmails filters would be 
> reduced to just sorting the mail to the right folder, something I think 
> it can do many times faster than it is now since its always waiting on 
> spamc.
> Does anyone here have any experience with previous versions of this 
> utility?  And if so, any hints to toss my way?
personally, I think you should handle your email entirely differently. I
have gathered that you use a number of computers around your house and
thus, the logical method that I see is to set one computer up - not your
primary desktop...as a mail server and have an MTA (sendmail or postfix)
and a IMAP server (dovecot or cyrus) and run fetchmail and spamassassin
on that system too. Mail would get retrieved by this system on very
frequent intervals like you are doing now, it would be analyzed by SA
and delivered to your IMAP spool or maildir or cyrus mailstore.

This would allow a lot more flexibility...

You could then use any computer to read/respond to mail and with IMAP,
if you have read it/deleted it on one system, all mail clients on any
computer would likewise see the same.

Computer sluggishness from things like SA would not be apparent as they
aren't occurring on your desktop system.

Ultimately, using fetchmail or getmail or whatever mail retrieval tool
you use isn't likely to make much of a difference...segregate your
services and don't force your desktop computer to do everything.

This really has little to do with spamassassin so I hesitate to go on.


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