Craig White a écrit :
> ----
> oops...meant to send to list...
> and by all means...
> setup dovecot for maildir
> use IMAP not POP3 for you local email. IMAP frees you from tying your
> email experience to one program on one computer and makes all programs
> on all computer on your network accessible to email. POP3 is for mass
> mail delivery to end users. IMAP is for intelligent mail usage.

imap has benefits, but it also brings problems. That really depends on
his situation and mostly on his MUAs. imap is an "unversioned protocol".
The specs changed but the versions did not. so different MUAs implement
different things to talk with different servers.... when you need to
restart your MUA to reread your mail, then things aren't as good as they

that said, I use imap...

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