Steve Thomas wrote:
I'm most curious about the error number given - (13). In mysql speak,
that's a 'permission denied', but according to the logs, there's no
connection attempt even being made. I don't know if that number is coming
from spamd, the perl db api or mysql. I doubt it's coming from mysql,
since I'm not seeing any connection attempt whatsoever.

In /etc/ make sure the 'log' option is set in [mysqld] and watch the logs in /var/lib/mysql/*.log.

In mysql make sure you have given the correct permissions for root to have access to the spamassassin database from both localhost and the primary hostname of the system. (Chances are you don't need both but until you figure out how you're connecting....)

Check your mysql.user and mysql.db tables to make sure things are as you expect them to be. Be wary of root logins from % (any host) with read only perms that maybe overriding your other root logins.

Run flush privileges in mysql to make sure everything is sane after making any mysql.* changes.

Scott Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IBM Linux Technology Center

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