HelLo qqqq-at-use! I fouNd yoUr profile in seaRch result Here. whEn I read it I 
deCidEd to wriTe you and intRoduce mysElf. sO, mY
nAme iS AnAstasia. I Know tHat my letteR may get loSt among oThers that comE to 
you evEry day, but It will be coOL if yoU'll write
me. If yoU really searChing for your sEcond half wTh serious inTEntions to 
bUild a family, if you prefEr present diaLOgue instead of
gaMe, I'll wait for yoUr ansWer.

You mAy write me tO my e-maiL: dzumon{--at--]altern.org

HaVe a nIce dAy!!!
I'm waiTing... Bye-BYe!

This scored really low.


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