> I host about 10 domains on a w2k server (when you're done mocking,
> please continue). Currently, I use ASSP which isn't very
> effective but
> helps a lot.
> Occasionally, I'll get fed up and dig into implementing SA
> instead but
> then stop short after readying about how it doesn't run as a service
> well et al.
> However, it runs well as a service and I actually run 4 simultaneous
> instances of it for various levels of filtering. Also, since
> it is bayes
> based, it allows for unique per domain databases for those
> that need it.
> There are some commercial SA solutions (Catch! is one I keep circling
> back to because of it's unlimited domains / users versus
> price).  But it
> doesn't have an obvious popb4smtp engine that I can see.
> Then, I see the flood of emails in this list about the rules, etc.
> Do you have to constantly tune your rules? How often do you
> need to do
> this for it to be effective?
> Some honest feedback and maybe a link or two would be helpful.
> Implementing SA on a win32 doesn't seem like it'd be too
> difficult, but every configuration is unique I'm sure.

Getting SA to run is no big deal. Integrating with your MTA can be a
challenge if no one has done it already. I've run SA on Windows for a
few years now. It gets easier and more stable with every release.
CommuniGate Pro is our current MTA and we have a decent free integration
tool (missing one important feature, but hey it's free). We evaluated
Merak a while back and I wrote an integration tool for it without too
much problem.

If you're using native Windows mail services, then you'd need a proxy
engine that runs in front of it to run SA. I've never looked into what
might work to do that, but you might look at MailScanner to see if it
supports that configuration.

If you're looking to buy something, Deep Six's DS200 gets pretty good
reviews and is fairly cheap for it's accuracy.
http://www.deep6tech.com/prod.html. You might want to check it out... I
can't speak for real-life usage of it. I just read the reviews. Brian
Livingston reviewed it recently including testing it on their own e-mail
system. Be happy to forward you the review if you're interested enough.


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