Title: RE: How easy is Spam Assassin really?

> Do you have to constantly tune your rules? How often do you
> need to do
> this for it to be effective?
> Some honest feedback and maybe a link or two would be helpful.
> Implementing SA on a win32 doesn't seem like it'd be too
> difficult, but
> every configuration is unique I'm sure.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

Setup is always different depending on your circumstances. But the ability to custimize is one of SA's strong points. 

As for rule updates, before it was difficult. You had to write your own, and trade on this list. Now with SARE it is soooo much better. No longer do you hav to wait for new SA releases. No more trading rules on teh list and hoping they don't cause FPs.

Most people purchased SA based commercial solutions so they wouldn't have to manage the constant rule updates. Now, you don't need to.

And we KNOW, commercial packages use the SARE rules. We've known that for a while. Are we happy they collect service fee contracts from their customers while using some of SARE's hard work? What do you think?


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