OpenMacNews wrote:
> i hear your point(s).  AND i'm well aware of how many attachments are
> sent to this list ... don't need to search the archives.
> hence my point/question.
> a potentially-executable attachment ESPECIALLY from a spam/virus-centric
> list is not something i'm terribly thrilled about.  

I've never seen an attachment on this list that was executable except a
perl script. I can't speak for the clamav list.

That said, if you're only concerned about potentially-executable
attachments, why don't you just filter/trash/whatever those? Trashing
entire mails that contain attachments, simply because they contain
attachments, seems a lot like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

There's really nice tools out there that allow you to filter by regex of
the filename, so you can block by extension, or will use the "file"
utility to attempt to determine the real type. Say for example..
MailScanner, but there's a half-dozen other tools that do this.
MailScanner can even rip off the attachments while letting the main body
of the message go, replacing the ripped attachment with a text-file
notice about why.

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