Oh sorry. I forgot to include what I'm using. I can't tell you much about what sorter I'm using, because frankly, I don't know anything about that stuff   *^_^*

What I can tell you is that I'm using Cpanelx and I'm accessing my spamfolder through Neomail. As for what mail sorter I'm using, I have no idea, but I'll find out.

Original Message:

Bear with me, as it has been 7 years since I've used a mailing list like this.

My question is very simple, and yet I can't seem to find an answer on it.

I have SpamAssassin sending emails flagged as spam to an email box setup as my "spam folder." This allows me to double check that nothing legit is not going through.

My question is whether i can have SpamAssassin automatically delete certain Spam emails over a certain rating?

For instance, if I have my rating set at 4.0, I want spam that comes in at 10.0 to be deleted, and all emails that come in with a rating between 4.0 and 10.0 to be sent to my spam folder. Is this possible? And how?

Thanks a bunch

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