Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 04:31:24PM -0500, Paul Stavrides wrote:
The problem is an extra an extra "0D"  in the X-Spam-Checker-Version
line, such that I see an "...0D 0D 0A 09..." by the time I look at the
headers in Windows.  The line is getting munged when it is getting

Interesting.  I was thinking it was the spamass-milter code...
But researching things a little more, it looks like it's actually the
milter API/library:

"If longer headers are needed, make them multi-line. To make a multi-line
header, insert a line feed (ASCII 0x0a, or \n in C) followed by at least
one whitespace character such as a space (ASCII 0x20) or tab (ASCII 0x09,
or \t in C). The line feed should NOT be preceded by a carriage return
(ASCII 0x0d); the MTA will add this automatically."

Previously, the milter could assume that folding was going to happen via
"\n\t", but now it's "\r\n\t".

Does this mean that a change is needed in spamass-milter or
spamassassin?  It seems odd that this started with 3.1.1 but
didn't occur under 3.0.

Ie: do I look at patching spamass-milter or will the spamassassin
community fix it at their end?

Looking at the spamass-milter code, it looks like "-M" may also be a
work-around for you (disables all markup).

Yes, I've done that for now, thankyou.

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