On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 08:13:48PM -0700, Philip Prindeville wrote:
> I'm wondering what would be involved in putting in an HTML parser
> that could call various rules to check things, like the case of:

Well, you wouldn't "call various rules", you'd look for a behavior while
parsing and flag it for later detection by a rule.  The current code
means modificaations have to be made to HTML.pm.

> <a href="http://www.foo.com/xyzzy";>http://www.bar.com/aardvark</a>

This kind of rule actually doesn't need to be in the HTML parser,
you could easily write a plugin that uses the already parsed anchor

FWIW though, this rule has previously been discussed and dismissed as
being non-useful (too many FPs).  Earlier today on this list even. ;)

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