On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 18:24:41 -0500, you wrote:

>jdow wrote:
>> OK, when the storage structure of the tarball based package you want
>> changes how do you extirpate the old and insert the new without the
>> rather depressingly familiar dual SpamAssassin install? (Not that the
>> package systems like RPM always get it right. They do better than most
>> if you stick with the RPMs.)
>The "depressingly familiar dual install" for install-from-tarball users only
>comes about when you don't build the same way.
>i.e.: if you built with PREFIX=/usr one time, make sure you pass the same
>*every* time.
>I've been building from source tarball since SA 2.40 and I've never had a
>dual-install problem when installing this way.
>On the other hand back in 2.31 era I was using cpan, and I *did* get a dual
>install once. However that was CPAN deciding to install a whole new copy of 
>to put SA into because the required perl version was screwed up.
>After that I ditched CPAN and went to pure tarball installs and have never
>regretted it.

You could never convince me to do that - the CPAN install facility is
just too useful for me to do anything that would impede my using it!
(Was that a sentence?  it's too early here.)

I install anything perl from either CPAN or source tarball, in that
order.  I've never gotten into a dual-install problem (if I understand
your use of the term) that I couldn't straighten out fairly easily,
and as a half-assed perl hacker I treat it as a learning experience.

If you're not confused, you're not trying hard enough.
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