Hi Gary,

>The user 'clamav' should have a home dir of /var/amavis otherwise I
>think the spamassasin files would end up in /var/amavis/.spamassassin.

>what does this say?
>cat /etc/passwd | grep clamav


>To run sa-learn as this user (who does not have a shell), I would run:
sudo -H -u clamav sa-learn --sync --force-expire

You want me to try above command?

>I would set up a cron job to run this daily as it seems you have
>auto expire and sync as noted. You can't do that without manually
>up on a regular basis. You can do that if you do.

I didn't change anything related to auto expire or sync in amavisd.conf,
infact another machine with same configuration doesn't have such a huge
bayes_* files.

Any idea how to resolve this issue.

Many thanks,

Mohammad Junaid.

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