mouss wrote:
Liam-PrintingAutomation wrote:
Ah, sorry. I failed to mention what kind of server in my original post. =) My bad.

we can keep this game going a long time.

my meaning was simply that people should make an effort to explain what they are talking about. I too can ask why my SA doesn't obey my C:\Program~1\Spam~1\ file.

I am far from being perfect (and I have no desire to be so, because I know I can't). I just would like to see people posting without thinking that we're all running their platform.

Uhm, wow. Not to get the thread too sidetracked, but seriously, I made a mistake an I apologize. I sincerely didn't mean to assume anything. I failed to mention what kind of server I was running, and as I said, "my bad." When I post to newsgroups I nearly always mention from the get-go something like "I'm running X application on a Fedora Core 4 Linux" or "RedHat AS 4.1" or whatever. I simply forgot when I started this thread. I seriously didn't mean to assume anything. I as much as anyone realize you shouldn't assume platforms. I have a Windows XP Pro, a Fedora Core 4, and a Windows 98 SE at home, I work on a Slackware 10.2 and Fedora Core 3 at work, and have servers running Fedora Core 2, and RedHat As 4.1, and we have a workstation running Mac OS X. Sorry if I opened up a can of worms. When I said "Ah, sorry," and "my bad," I meant it!

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