onsdag 05 april 2006 15:02 skrev Bowie Bailey:
> > You have now. :) From mimedefang.pl:
> >
> >     if ($AddApparentlyToForSpamAssassin and
> >         ($#Recipients >= 0)) {
> >         push(@sahdrs, "Apparently-To: " .
> >              join(", ", @Recipients) . "\n");
> >     }
> >
> > (@Recipients stores the list of recipients)
> >
> > Caveat... this only adds the recipients the MTA knows about. If
> > something is BCC'd to an ungodly number of recipients, the MSA will
> > usually send it in several MAIL FROM commands.  The MTA will only
> > know about the recipients for the current MAIL FROM command.
> Hmmm...  Is this header removed prior to delivery?  If not, doesn't it
> violate the entire idea of a BCC by letting the recipients know about
> each other?

Indeed. One must make sure that such headers are present only during internal 
processing and removed prior to delivery, local or remote.

Magnus Holmgren

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