On Sunday 09 April 2006 15:20, mouss wrote:

> No. white and black aren't colors. they are absence of colour:)

Well... according to physics... it really depends on what 
is delivering the pigments...

When you paint.. and you combine a bunch of colors.. the colors
get darker and darker.. to the point where they'll eventually
turn black if you add enough dark color... or you can use
crayons, or sharpies, etc.  Combine red, blue, and green colors
using this and see if you end up with something very dark like

When you combine light, three sources of mono-colored filtered
light (like on a tv) or a three-lens projection tv or even three
spotlights.. of red, blue, and green... project them onto the 
same spot.. and you have white.  

White happen when all spectrum of the visible light is reflected
back into your eyes... technically white is *all colors* .. and
we know that because a prism will do the reverse and split white
light up in to the ROYGIBV spectrum of all visible light.  

Black .. is the non-color .. it happens when *no visible light*
is reflected back to your eye.  Like a darkened shaded room 
with no open windows to a bright outside world.  It's black
inside .. because there's a *void* of light.  You illuminate
a single light bulb or open the window.. what happens?  The
blackness/darkness flees and is replaced by light.

Black is the same to White as Cold is to Heat.  Black is a 
"void" of color.  Cold is a "void" of heat.  It's not so much
that cold refrigerates and puts "cold/coolness" upon something 
resulting in in it being cooler ... but the way it does is by 
pulling the heat from item.  Cold is literally anti-heat.  
Probably easier to think of as a temperature vacuum of sorts 
... where it draws temperature away from an object.

Now.. if you want to read something on the 'net that is 
absolutely hilarious... go out to google and search for
"Dark Suckers" -or- maybe "Dark Sucker Bulbs"... it's 
hilarious about how lights work by "sucking dark" and how
when a bulb gets full of enough "dark" they go out because
they can no longer suck any more dark.

If you don't think it's funny when you find it, then that's
proof that I'm a geek and easily entertained.

Tyler Nally

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