
to read this in other words: while certain analysts (and definitlely microsoft 
claim that about 50 % of all servers is running windows, these figures tend to 
say that
real mail servers (those that deliver the ham part of mail) rarely ever run XP
but that this OS is the best candidate for creating a spam zombie

Wolfgang Hamann

   p0f OS guess    ham :   spam
    Windows-XP    0.7 % : 99.3 %
    Windows-2000  5.8 % : 94.2 %
    UNKNOWN      16.5 % : 83.5 %
    Linux        58.8 % : 41.2 %
    Unix         80.3 % : 19.7 %
    (Unix+Linux  66.5 % : 33.5 %)

Only 0.7% of all mail coming from Windows-XP hosts is ham!!!
It is an ideal information to contribute two or three score points.

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