Loren Wilton wrote:

I predict that the US will be the first country in the 21th century to
abandon English as the national language, while almost all other countries
seem to be mandating that their citizens learn English.

The problem with the US is that we are linguistic idiots (a quote from Columbia University German Professor). If you go to Europe in general they speak at least two languages fluently. English and the country's native language. I have had the opportunity to work in both Geneva, Switzerland and and Milan, Italy. All business is conducted in English and everything else in Italian or in the case of Switzerland either German, Swiss German or French. Essentially all the engineers with whom I worked could speak two languages or in some cases four. I don't know what the big deal is. It shouldn't be "one" language but at least two here in the US. Start young when it is easy for kids to pick up the sounds.

Unfortunately I am still a linguistic idiot and only speak English ... a Buffalo, NY version at that! My grand parents came over from Italy in 1920 and promptly stopped speaking Italian around my parents. It forced my parents to learn English at the cost of never learning Italian. There is plently of room to accomodate two languages but neither the US education system or home life is set up to do it.


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