Paul Matthews wrote:
>> What version of SA are you using? If older than 3.1.1, consider
>> upgrading to the current version before adding on extra rulesets.
> i'm running RHEL4 with spamassassin-3.0.5-3.el4
> I don't want to upgrade because I manage all my packages with redhat's
> up2date program and a new version of SA hasn't been release with RHEL4
> yet.
> I've removed all the files that I got from that website, but i'm still
> looked for a self updating soluation for SA.
> Any idea's?
Your best bet, given that you've tied yourself to the slow release
process that redhat uses, is to use RulesDuJour. However, this only
works for add-on rulesets. The updates to the stock ruleset only run
from sa-update, and that only works with 3.1.1 or higher.

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