> On Wed, 31 May 2006, Bowie Bailey wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > A couple of days after an upgrade from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2, I'm
> > > noticing that it seems alot slower.  I turned off most network
> > > tests, including DCC, Pyzor and Razor and it still looks like
> > > there's an issue. 
> > > 
> > > I raised max children from 15 to 25, yet it still seems to be
> > > spending most of it's time at 25, and smtp connections are
> > > stacking up behind it and occasionally spamd is so overwhelmed a
> > > spam gets through with no checks.  CPU also spikes up to over
> > > 20.0 at times, on a dual Xeon server with maybe a thousand
> > > mailboxes. 
> > > 
> > > In the logs, the only thing I see that's showing an issue with SA
> > > is this: 
> > > 
> > > May 31 07:53:52 mail spamd[59117]: Use of uninitialized value in
> > > subtraction (-) at 
> > > 
> > >
> > > line 102, <GEN108> line 46.
> > > 
> > > Could this be causing children to hang?  They seem to take
> > > forever to exit...
> > 
> > Sounds like it could be a memory issue.  Check your memory usage and
> > see if you are going into swap.  If so, lower max children until it
> > stops using swap.  Once SA starts using swap memory, performance
> > goes way down.  The network tests are unlikely to be the culprit. 
> > Usually, excessive memory use is caused by having one or two really
> > large add-on rule sets.
> According to top, it most definitely does not look like a memory
> issue...more CPU than anything:
> last pid: 21486;  load averages: 30.71, 27.04, 21.48    up 1+18:19:37
> 11:10:07750 processes: 22 running, 727 sleeping, 1 zombie
> CPU states: 86.0% user,  0.0% nice, 13.6% system,  0.4% interrupt, 
> 0.0% idle
> Mem: 662M Active, 948M Inact, 297M Wired, 56M Cache, 199M Buf, 48M
> Free Swap: 4000M Total, 4000M Free

Interesting.  Most of the slowdown problems I have seen have been
related to memory.  I don't know about that error message, I'll leave
that question to someone else.

What rulesets are you running?  Have you created any custom rules?
Maybe one of those is causing problems.


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