
> MailScanner works with Postfix and other MTAs as well, but it doesn't do
> the 'per-user SA configs' unless you are using it with Sendmail, because
> AFAIK, Postfix doesn't easily split multi-recipient emails, so incoming
> mail must be passed into the scanner with multiple recipients, meaning
> per-user S.A. configs are not possible.

> Can Amavisd split multi-recipient email after passing through S.A.,

Yes. (when needed)

> and then apply individual scoring/whitelists, etc??

Yes, taking into account per-recipient settings in amavisd.conf,
including individual tag/tag2/kill level (analogous to required_hits
in SA), as well as per-recipient white/blackliststs (soft or hard).
Inserted X-Spam* headers and Subject edits are also individualized,
all this with one call to SA per message, regardless of the number
of recipients. Mail is only split when header modifications are not
the same for all recipients, and even then is only split into
groups (clusters) of same-settings recipients.

Because SA is only called once per message, this implies that
only individualized settings from amavisd configuration can apply,
but not individualized settings from SA .cf files, such as
per-recipient rules or SA-based individual white/black lists
or per-recipient Bayes.


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