I'm running SpamAssassin on my Exim MTA and would like to add a rule of
which I don't think it's built-in yet: Phishing mails commonly have an
HTML link in them with a target like ""; but a
label like "http[s]://somedomain/...". This case where the link label is
a domain but the target is a numeric IP, and even worse the case, where
the label has https: and the target only http:, I would like to score a
high number of points. Is this already built-in? I couldn't see it on
such a mail I received today.

How can I add this rule myself? The "rawbody" option only matches line
by line, which doesn't help me because the link is split over multiple
lines. What I need is something to match the entire message as one, with
HTML kept intact but encoding (Quoted Printable...) resolved. I have
seen the HTTPS_IP_MISMATCH rule that leads me to a Perl function. I
don't understand Perl very well, and this specific function is way too
complex for me. Also I don't know where to add my own Perl functions.
The documentation doesn't tell me.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://beta.unclassified.de – My web laboratory.

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