On 18.06.2006 03:51 CE(S)T, Loren Wilton wrote:
> The rule you suggest isn't particularly good.  There are far too many legit
> mails (mostly mailing list type of things) that do exactly what you want to
> check for.  So the FP rate is higher than most people would like.

However, I haven't seen this type of link before and I cannot tolerate
people showing explicit URLs in a link label but actually linking
somewhere else. This rule, as so many, isn't intended to block a message
on its own, but gives its part to the score.

> That said, I believe there is at least one SARE rule that checks for exactly
> what you want to look for.

Now that I know what SARE is, it doesn't make the impression of a
considerable archive to me, with respect to this issue.

Still I don't know how to create a rule like this. But as someone else
in the bug tracker already mentioned a year ago, what SpamAssassin
misses to do things like that is a 'rawbody' match that uses the entire
message, not only single lines. Content can be arbitrary split over many
lines so that any 'rawbody' rule can become useless pretty fast. :(

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://beta.unclassified.de – My web laboratory.

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