On Samstag, 24. Juni 2006 17:14 Jim Hermann - UUN Hostmaster wrote:
> When spf_timeout is set to 5 (default), during the initial email
> receipt, I think that Mail::SPF::Query exceeds the timeout and the
> timeout routine does not work properly.  The timeout error causes
> Mail::Spamassassin::Plugin::SPF to classify the result as
> SPF_SOFTFAIL without a value for $comment.  The Spamassassin Report
> displays the SPF_SOFTFAIL result with [SPF failed: ] because the
> $comment was blank.

If none of the devs gives an answer here, open a bug. :-|

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0660/4156531                          .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:        "curl -s http://zmi.at/zmi3.asc | gpg --import"
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// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net                 Key-ID: 0x55CBA4EE

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