At 07:11 25-06-2006, Ken Dawber wrote:
I have a reseller shared hosting account under WHM/Cpanel software. (In other words I'm not a systems admin) The Cpanel is a control panel for web hosting. The implementation

This is the first time I see someone saying that. :)

1) Is there some way for the server system administrator who is using WHM/CPanel to change the default configuration so that SA setup is on the Webmail control panel rather than the Cpanel interface? If so, what do I have to tell the system admin to do?

That should be possible if the system admin writes the code to do that.

2) Assuming there is no easy way to do this, is the problem in the way cpanel is implemented or in the way SA is implemented.

The restrictions are in CPanel.

3) I notice mention of the need to feed spam & ham to SA. The cpanel interface doesn't seem to have any interface for the email user to tell it what was identified as spam was ham or that what was specified as ham was in fact spam. Should there be such an interface or is there one already that I just haven't understood.

SpamAssassin does not come with an interface. The "interface" you see is implemented by CPanel. If you have ssh access, you can use sa-learn.


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