On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 09:19 -0500, Larry Starr wrote:
> I have found the problem:  "Never underestimate the power of your own systems 
> to make you feel dumb!".
> It seems that our SonicWall firewall, sometime recently, had decided that 
> this 
> was a forbidden site,  so the "403" error was due to my own firewall blocking 
> access.
> Have since "unblocked" the site and everything is, once again, working fine.
> Thought I'd pass this along, in case someone else should run into a problem 
> like this.
> On Monday 26 June 2006 09:43, Larry Starr wrote:
> > About a week ago I started seeing:
> > >> The following rules had errors:
> > >> William Stearn's RANDOM WORD Ruleset was not retrieved because of: 403
> > >> from http://www.sa-blacklist.stearns.org/sa-blacklist/random.current.cf.
> >
> > I ignored it for awhile, because I've seen transient problems with some of
> > the RDJ rules in the past, but not for this long.
> >
> > Has this ruleset gone away?
> >
> > Thank you,


What setting in your SonicWall did you find blocked this site?  We use a
PRO2040 in front of our mail servers and have licensed the Gateway
security bundle, on which we rely.



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