I have a question regarding Spamassassin's behaviour with SPF.

My configuration is running Postfix v2.1.5 and Spamassassin v3.0.1 is called by Amavis-new v2.2.0 as is installed as part of Mac OS X Server 10.4.x

All domains handled by the email server have strict SPF records that require all account holders to send their email through the server. As such all account holders authenticate with the server through the submission port 587 when they want to send email from outside the network.

I noticed that Spamassassin is scoring an SPF_FAIL with these users based on the fact that they are connecting with IPs that fall outside what is in their domain's SPF record.

It seems to me that this is the incorrect behaviour. Spamassassin should not be evaluating the IP address from which the clients are connecting but should be ignoring that altogether.

The Postfix policy daemon is handling this correctly , as it should, ignoring where the client is connecting from since it is the outbound server. It's not evaluating itself against the SPF record.

Is there something that is configured incorrectly that is causing this to happen? Has this behaviour changed in a more recent version of Spamassassin?

Any suggestions would be appritiated.

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6

T: 416-247-7740
F: 416-247-7503

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