i have an idea to use spamassassin for checking web inputs forms. But i


wanna different spam database from mail spam database on the same machine.


I think that i can send web form to some e-mail address, if spamassassin say thats ok, send it to another e-mail address and theris some maildrop script, that put it to database. Is this possible, or i thinking bad ? Do you known some articles or examples about this ?

I think this is probably too complicated.

I am assuming you have some script that is attached to the web form that sends the mail. This script must already be making a mail header with From, To, and Subject, at the least. If it isn't doing this, it probably has the information that it can.

If this web form isn't high volume, you could format the form input as a mail message and pipe it to spamassassin, then check the result. I believe that you can do the same thing using spamc/spamd, but there is a recent problem with the return value being incorrect in some cases. If the result indicates that it is spam you could either complain to the form sender, or quietly throw the message away. Probably best to complain to the sender in case it really wasn't supposed to be spam; a spambot will probably ignore the complaint anyway.

Now, using a different database. Depends on what you mean by 'database'. Do you mean a different set of rules? Do you mean a different Bayes database? Do you mean something else?

If you mean different rules, there are options to spamassassin that will tell it to look in other than the normal places for the rules files. You could use this when you invoke SA. I don't know if there is something similar for Bayes, but it wouldn't surprise me.


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