On Tuesday 11 July 2006 23:16, Alexander Piavka took the opportunity to write:
>  Hi ,  i'd like to know if its possbile and how, to ignore specific rule
> scores (like ALL_TRUSTED) then calculating the autolearn threshold for
> spam and ham?

"Like" ALL_TRUSTED, eh? If you have a problem with ALL_TRUSTED you likely have 
a bad trusted_networks setting. Adding a host to trusted_networks means that 
you trust it not to forge headers and not to originate spam, meaning that if 
ALL_TRUSTED fires then the message *should* definitely be ham, otherwise your 
assumption that the host can be trusted is wrong.

Even if your trusted_networks setting is correct and you feel that mail coming 
through all trusted hosts isn't representative, I don't think it would hurt 
learning it.

But to answer your question - use the noautolearn flag, e.g.

tflags DKIM_SIGNED net nice noautolearn

Note that there is no way to set or clear a single flag; you have to list all 
flags that should be set.

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

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