On 25-Jul-06, at 6:34 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:

Many people, including me, think SRS is a bad idea. So I'm not getting on board with a system that is clearly a mistake.

That's fine. You, along with everyone else, are entitle to your opinion. Furthermore, you along with those people are free to choose to implement a technology if it suits you. No one is forcing this on you or anyone else.

At the same time, I am merely excising my freedom to voice an alternate view or opinion. The people reading this list will make up there own minds. Some may have even benefited from this thread.

I am curious though. Why do you "think SRS is a bad idea" and what makes it "clearly a mistake." You appear to feel strongly about this but without an explanation it's hard to fathom why. Please elaborate.

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6

T: 416-247-7740
F: 416-247-7503

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