Title: RE: bottleneck analsyis on spamassassin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ramprasad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:54 AM
> To: spamassassin-users
> Subject: bottleneck analsyis on spamassassin
> Hi,
>   Spamassassin has so many dependencies on various external factors
> like network , disck IO , RAM etc
> If I want to analyse the performance on my SA box , how do I find out
> what the bottlenecks are.
> I am using spamassassin as a module in Mailscanner on  CentOS
> Is there any tool by which I can analyze the bottlenecks of my system

I can tell you right now, its either Net tests or poorly written rules. Otherwise SA runs pretty darn good.

Spammassassin -D --lint < some_test_email


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