On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, John Andersen wrote:

> On Tuesday 01 August 2006 17:49, John D. Hardin wrote:
> > Please don't pollute the IMAP and POP protocols this way. The problem
> > can be easily solved with no changes to existing tools if the ISP
> > blocks all outbound SMTP from their dynamic client ranges and requires
> > SMTP AUTH via their mail servers for outbound email.
> That solves nothing.
> Carried to the logical extension, why not just route ALL email
> through governments.
> SMTP was designed for direct delivery.  ISPs do not and can not
> filter all mail, and when they try they invariably become part of
> the problem.

I also believe that you should be able to register as "clueful" with
your ISP and have the filters removed.

I think that a default level of filtering - SMTP and the Microsoft
protocols that were only intended for use on a LAN - should be in
place to deal with the default level of end-user administrative skill
- low to nonexistent. However I *don't* think that clueful
administrators and users should be subject to such restrictions, and
should be able to opt out without charge.

> In fact, spam friendly ISPs are a bigger problem than 100,000
> linux users running their own MTA.  What upstream is going to shut
> down a fat contract ISP because of spam?

Spam-friendly ISPs are easy to isolate via DNSBLs. And I don't worry
as much about Linux users running their own MTA as I do about hordes
of p0wned Winders boxen running spambots without their owners'
> Your elitist attitude is not really helpful. 

Elitist? Sure. But my opinion is supported by the number of clueless,
bot-controlled leaf nodes that are directly connected to the Internet
and spewing crap at everybody else.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ    ICQ#15735746    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]    FALaholic #11174    pgpk -a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 key: 0xB8732E79 - 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
 Look at the people at the top of both efforts. Linus Torvalds is a
 university graduate with a CS degree. Bill Gates is a university
 dropout who bragged about dumpster-diving and using other peoples'
 garbage code as the basis for his code. Maybe that has something to
 do with the difference in quality/security between Linux and
 Windows.                            -- anytwofiveelevenis on Y! SCOX

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