--On Wednesday, August 02, 2006 8:23 AM -0700 "John D. Hardin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think that a default level of filtering - SMTP and the Microsoft
protocols that were only intended for use on a LAN - should be in
place to deal with the default level of end-user administrative skill
- low to nonexistent. However I *don't* think that clueful
administrators and users should be subject to such restrictions, and
should be able to opt out without charge.

Alas, I know of only one ISP (Speakeasy) clueful enough to implement this, and they're DSL-only. Those of us on very long phone lines and only able to get broadband via cable are stuck with the clueless ISP's operating over that medium. The only way to get a home office connection with a static IP is through an expensive T1. It's very frustrating.

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