Rob, PLEASE uninject politics from this list. It's counter productive.
That is what I meant about the original attempt to inject politics.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob McEwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Honestly, I haven't been following this thread much... but I do want to add
that the UN is full of thugs who are power hungry and would like very much
to control the Internet and implement a world tax and probably a tax on the
Internet as well.

They will do this all in the name of "helping" us... just like Hugo Chavez
is "helping" the Venezuelans... but like Chavez, who is turning Venezuela
into a new Cuba and himself into his beloved Castro, those guys at the UN
are more concerned about their own power and about extracting (or extorting)
wealth and power away from the U.S. and other "rich" western countries.


As far as I'm concerned, there is really no difference (intention-wise)
between Kofi Annan and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine... except that Kofi is
much dumber and not nearly as powerful as Palpatine... (at least not yet).

So be careful about anything the U.N. might come up with to "rescue" us!

Rob McEwen
PowerView Systems

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