On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, jdow wrote:

> >> Being that I am a domain registrar (small but still) how will I
> >> know if they have a working postmaster or abuse alias?
> > 
> > Easy. Send them an email and see if they respond. Make it clear in the
> > service agreement that they (hopefully) read before registering a
> > domain that this is a requirement.
> A three line procmail recipe handles that very nicely. You get through
> but everybody else is discarded. Your next move is...?

Send the query from a different domain, one not the registrar's. The
service agreement would have to specify that responding to only the
registrar's queries and discarding others would be grounds for
suspending the domain.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ    ICQ#15735746    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]    FALaholic #11174    pgpk -a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 key: 0xB8732E79 - 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  The problem is when people look at Yahoo, slashdot, or groklaw and
  jump from obvious and correct observations like "Oh my God, this
  place is teeming with utter morons" to incorrect conclusions like
  "there's nothing of value here".        -- Al Petrofsky, in Y! SCOX

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