--On Wednesday, August 02, 2006 2:03 PM -0500 Logan Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What might really be nice is some sort of language that could
be used to write up a document to configure a mail client for a
given ISP and user.  It could configure all necessary settings
and would work with any client, making this a one-step process
even if 10 or 20 different settings have to be entered.

Is LDAP a reasonable choice for this?

At one point Cyrusoft Mulberry was pushing ACAP, but that doesn't seem to have caught on. But it seems like every list I'm on is mentioning LDAP for authentication for some service, so maybe email client settings can be stored there. One then just configures the LDAP login info. One would need to standardize an LDAP schema for this configuration, though.

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