Coffey, Neal wrote:
I'm trying to create a rule to catch some of the perscription drug
references that come into our system.  We're not in pharmaceuticals, so
I'm not too concerned about false positives :)

Some examples of what I'm looking for (using an innocent drug so I don't
trip someone else's filters):


Have a look at the ReplaceTags plugin:

Also, I have a script that will generate a rule that catches a lot of this type of spam in a similar manner to the ReplaceTags plugin:
I've come up with a rule that'll match every one of those instances, but
also has the unfortunate consequence of matching plain old "ADVIL":

You probably want to add a negative lookahead, like so:
This will look ahead for \badvil\b and if found, stop testing the rest of the pattern and the match fails.

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