On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 05:46:19PM +0200, Andreas Pettersson wrote:
> I keep seeing suggestions to use sa-update quite often on this list, but 
> I thought it was no use doing so between releases according to this page:
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/VirusScannerTypeUpdates
> with these exact words in the end:
> "Daily and/or weekly updates aren't practical, because it takes weeks to 
> evolve a scoreset for a release."
> So, how often are there new rules available via sa-update?

This is unfortunately not a completely easy answer.  Here's my short version:

- I've never seen that wiki page before, and it's out of date wrt what we're
  doing now.  The line you quoted also says "evolve a scoreset" which is GA
  terminology, so I think the page is probably further outdated than the date
  on the page (we haven't used the GA in a long time).

- sa-update is a generic tool used to download configs/rules/scores/etc, so
  "how often are ..." is really dependent on what channel you're talking

- If you're talking about the default updates.spamassassin.org channel, and
  you're talking about 3.1, new updates are made available ... well, generally
  anytime we (usually I) get around to making a new update available.  There
  is no specific schedule, and new updates can be created for various reasons,
  not just to make new rules available.

  Generally speaking, updates could occur ever 15m w/ the current config, but
  realistically it may be once a week or so.  If setting up a cronjob to do
  updates, I'd probably go daily for now.

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