Bowie Bailey wrote:
> Christopher Mills wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have over 100 domains on a server, all of which are getting junk
>> mail. SA 3.1.4 installed, but I don't think it's properly trained yet
>> (even though I did upgrade from an earlier version).  
>> If I set up a [EMAIL PROTECTED] address and tell all my customers
>> to forward the junk mail they get to that address, then run sa-learn
>> on that mailbox, will that help, or, will it train SA that the users
>> that forwarded the junk ARE the spammers and start to assign higher
>> scores to legitimate customers?    
> No, SA will learn that messages forwarded from your users are spam.
> As someone else pointed out, you need to find a method that preserves
> the original headers of the message.  Forwarding the spam as an
> attachment and then stripping it out or copying it to a shared imap
> folder are two of the more common options.

   I have similar, albiet smaller, environment.  What I've done is asked my 
users who want to help to have a "ConfirmedSpam" folder in their IMAP 
directory.  Every night I cron-job a LOCATE for that folder and then tell 
sa-learn to learn those emails.  Then I empty the mail dir to start fresh for 
the next day.  It works like a charm.

        --Michel Vaillancourt
        Wolfstar Systems

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