On Sat, 2 Sep 2006 22:13:28 -0400, David Cary Hart

>On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:28:14 -0800, John Andersen
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> opined:
>> The Register is running an article saying spam is back up to 81% of
>> all email traffic due to newer versions of the Mocbot worm.
>> If anything, my traffic has been less of late, and almost
>> non-existant since in installed 3.1.5.
>> http://www.theregister.com/2006/08/23/mocbot_worm_zombie_surge/

That tallies with what we're seeing. I guess jdow is 'in luck' at the
moment. When I get a spare day or so I'll upgrade my charting to be a
little more informative; I may even see about pulling in the other
network stats and see they look combined. For now the numbers tend to
speak for themselves.


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