I agree. The only advantage as of today is sarge-backports is at 3.1.3 and test/unstable is at 3.1.4. Hopefully that will not be the case for long, and when sarge-backports gets a little more up to date, upgrading from this point is trivial.

Gary V

Debian Volatile Sloppy repository happily serves a SA 3.1.4 .deb + spamc
The package is backport aimed for Sarge, so trivial upgrade.
for volatile policy.

for a mirror near you.

Do some apt-pinning to integrate.


But doesn't the name Volatile Sloppy give you pause, as it does me? :)
That's almost like saying we're not even sure if it's spamassassin you would be getting... lol
or maybe: "Let's let Mikey try it. He'll eat anything."

In reality, for spamassassin it's probably just as stable as anything else. Sloppy looks pretty much like the same concept as unstable, but built for use with stable.

I do use clamav from volatile myself however, without pause.

Gary V

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