Email Lists wrote:
> >
> > Its probably an AWL score, but without showing us a list of the
> > tests hit on one of these emails all we can do is throw straws in
> > the air and guess.
> >         Loren
> >
> Ok, a box of straws will be on the way immediately...
> Any special colors?   ;->
> I appreciate your time and that of Daniel T. Staal so far...
> it confirms what I thought... yet I still needed to ask
> What is AWL?  :-) yeah, ill search yet am certainly looking for
> insight. 

AWL is the Auto White List (although it would be more properly called a
score averager).  What it does is weight the spam scores towards the
sender's previous scores.  In this case, it may be providing a rather
high positive score to the emails since your rule caused him to have
high scores previously.

If you look at the message headers, you should see AWL listed if this
is what is causing the high score.

> Oh, how do I properly blow away (from the command line) any saved
> settings that SA or sa-learn or whatever is looking at that is has
> learned without frying my systems?

You can clear the AWL for a sender like this:

    spamassassin --remove-addr-from-whitelist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

([EMAIL PROTECTED] is the sender)

Make sure you do this as the user who is having the problem.

> Thanks and kind regards

If this doesn't help, post the headers from one of the messages so
that we can see which rules are hitting.


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