Balzi Andrea wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> [...]
> > > every child it occupies approximately 450MB of RAM.
> > > 
> > > My server is a GNU/Linux Debian 3.1r2 with spamassassin v3.1.5 and
> > > Perl v5.8.4 Aren't it too many every 450MB for single child?
> > 
> > That is a bit excessive.  My first guess is that you have WAY
> > too many add-on rule sets (or you are using old ones that should
> > not be used). 
> > 
> > Which rule sets are you currently using?
> > 
> I'm usign the default rules of spamassassin 3.1.5 with the follow
> rules downloaded from rulesemporium:

Antidrug is not needed with current versions of SA.


You should use the version of this blacklist instead.

See here for more info:


This is a 16M rulefile and probably a major contributor to your memory


The current versions of SA already use this list as a network test.
If you have network tests enabled, you don't need this.

Other than that, all I can say is that you have quite a few rules.
You may want to try removing some of them and restarting spamd.  Just
do some trial and error and see which ones make the most difference.


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