I'm using Former AT&T Wireless / Cingular Blue. email goes to @mmode.com
gateway. I'm guessing but so far I'm seeing reliable messaging since I stopped
forging From:

Quoting "Daryl C. W. O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Recently I've discovered that if I attempt to forge the From: header in an
> > email
> > message that it ends up being considerably delayed when sent thru my
> providers
> > Email to SMS Gateway. I strongly suspect they have in place measures to
> > identify SPAM that will cause the message to receive a much lower
> priority.
> > Unfortunately because it's a FIFO queue all messages sent thereafter to my
> > device (be they from another device or whatever) are also delayed.
> > 
> > Anybody seen this before?
> I'm curios, what provider?
> I've currently got a ticket open with Bell Mobility Data Support about 
> text messages taking three days to arrive, if ever, except for the odd 
> one sent from another Bell phone that arrives immediately.
> I wonder if I'm seeing that same thing.
> Daryl

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