--As of September 30, 2006 12:32:41 PM -0500, Russ B. is alleged to have said:

Basically, anything that arrives over 15 in score, will have that
SPAM-STATUS header embedded, so it does NOT run SpamAssassin on this
server, and just puts it in the Caught-Spam. If it has LOWER than a score
of 15 from the MX, then the MX server didn't put a header on it, so it's
processed here and filed here.

Why do that? Because my users on the sendmail server farm have a whole
variety of score choices they are using, so I want their specfic score to
be utilized - but by making the score on the MX 15, I'm saving the
sendmail server from a WHOLE LOT of processing, and nobody's going to have
a default score over 15... so that's a safe number?

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Just as a thought: Since you are running procmail on them anyway, it should be possible to have a script in there that reads the desired score and uses the score count Spamassassin embeds in the 'X-Spam-Level:' header to filter.

It wouldn't reformat the mail (at least not without a lot of work), but you could at least file it differently...

Daniel T. Staal

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